Public Housing Orientation - Applicant Briefing
You have applied for our Public Housing waitlist(s).  You have been tentatively approved, and now your name has come to the top of the applicable list
  • If your family has been contacted by e-mail, phone, or text and Waco Housing Authority has notified your family that they are now eligible to attend Orientation and finalize their qualifications for Public Housing Housing:

    Start Here:

    • Watch the video (link below) that will provide details on the orientation packet, required forms, and an overview of this process.

    Orientation Video

    • After you have completed watching the entire video review & verify that you understand the material provided in the video

    By emailing: The Caseworker as listed on your Orientation Letter (this will be at the end of the letter) it is important that you send to your specific case worker, if you fail to inform your listed case worker you may be terminated. 

    Example Email 

    Subject: Orientation video completed

    I have completed watching the entire video, I reviewed & understand the material provided in the video

    -Jane Doe (your name) (identify yourself with your current name  as submitted on the application) 


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